Friday, May 25, 2007


Recently I found out a good friend of mine got laid off and immediately I felt her pain. I have been there done that! Especially when you have a family to support! I can literally see why some people go postal. Seriously. Especially the people who live and breath the company they work for! Man, some people take time away from the family (without extra pay) to work on projects or finish paperwork. They are TOTALLY devoted to their organization then BAM......a pink slip... WTF!!!

If you think about it, it's very similar to a relationship.
Commitment, loyalty, trust worthy, compromise then out of left field your dumped!! And even worse when along comes Miss young thang to replace you!!! Yep folks, that's why people go postal I'm telling ya.

All I have to say to my dear friend who is in this situation is I'm sooo sorry to hear the news. You know, sometimes you must embrace the bad. All the messed up things we go through have molded us into the person we are today. It's called 'character building'. ;-) This sounds weird I know. I truly believe things happen for a reason. I remember when I experienced my first heartbreak at 19 years old. The guy cheated on me. I was so distraught!! I thought the pain would NEVER go away! I got depressed, I lost my job, My grades dropped in school, I had un-paid bills and so on and so on. Thank god I lived with my mom so no biggy and in time the pain went away.When I moved into adulthood I married and then went through my divorce.
The same familiar feeling of pain came again except this time I came prepared and fully armed.
I had a mortgage, kids, and real job. I knew right away the consequence if i allowed my pain to consume me because of my past situation!! Looking back I'm so glad now I went through that because the consequence, had I not, would have been worse.
My point is:
When bad things happen in your life it’s so easy for us to fall into pitty party mode and question why why why me! BUT, sometimes we need to embrace the bad and know there must be a reason why we are going through whatever bad we are going through. Put your trust and faith in the man upstairs that sometimes we just don't see the full picture like he can. Sometimes we just need to step out into faith.

You will be ok, I just know it......

Love Ya!



Anonymous said...

babygirl, you are too sweet. nicely written and full of affection, i appreciate it so much. actually, i am not into pity-partis much - myy past is so bad that something like just pisses me off more than anything. i feel more sorry for the single mom and my boss being laid off. i am a survivor - and i think if anyone reads my blog, they knowthis is true. i may have emotional pain and emotional scars and a lot of emotional problems, i am also strong, also tough, also a survivor. i will make it through the long haul and have my revenge (to do well).

i appreciate everything you said, babygirl, and i appreciate your friendship even more!


BABYGIRL said...

I know YOU aren't one who pitty partis I was speaking in general that people are easily sucked into pitty party modes (I can be one of those)I hope you don't think I think that way of you. I know you will be ok. You can hold your own.

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet and I am so thankful to have you in my life! Thank you for your support and friendship, Y. I really appreciate it! Please keep in touch (I know you are busy) and let me know how it all goes with you-know-who and your Aunty.

Anonymous said...

Good words.